A beautiful, powerful, self-hosted rom manager.
Table of Contents
RomM (ROM Manager) allows you to scan, enrich, browse and play your game collection with a clean and responsive interface. With support for multiple platforms, various naming schemes, and custom tags, RomM is a must-have for anyone who plays on emulators.
- Scans your existing games library and enhances it with metadata from [IGDB][igdb-api] and [MobyGames][mobygames-api]
- Supports a large number of [platforms][platform-support]
- Play games directly from the browser using [EmulatorJS][wiki-emulatorjs] and RuffleRS
- Share your library with friends while [limiting access and permissions][wiki-authentication]
- Supports MAME, Nintendo Switch, and Sony Playstation naming schemes
- Detects and groups multifile games (e.g. PS1 games with multiple CDs)
- Can [parse tags][tag-support] in filenames (e.g. (E), (USA), (rev v1), etc.)
- View, upload, update, and delete games from any modern web browser
🖥 Desktop |
📱 Mobile |
![desktop preview](.github/resources/screenshots/preview-desktop.gif) |
![mobile preview](.github/resources/screenshots/preview-mobile.gif) |
To start using RomM, check out the [Quick Start Guide][wiki-quick-start-guide] in the wiki. If you are having issues with RomM, please review the page for [troubleshooting steps][wiki-troubleshooting] and common issues, or join the [Discord][discord-invite] for support from the community.
Folder Structure
As mentioned in the installation section, RomM requires a specific folder structure. The two supported structures are as follows:
Structure A (recommended)</tthd>
| Structure B (fallback) |
├─ roms/
│ ├─ gbc/
│ │ ├─ rom_1.gbc
│ │ ├─ rom_2.gbc
│ │
│ ├─ gba/
│ │ ├─ rom_1.gba
│ │ ├─ rom_2.gba
│ │
│ ├─ ps/
│ ├─ my_multifile_game/
│ │ ├─ my_game_cd1.iso
│ │ ├─ my_game_cd2.iso
│ │
│ ├─ rom_1.iso
├─ bios/
│ ├─ gba/
│ │ ├─ gba_bios.bin
│ │
│ ├─ ps/
│ ├─ scph1001.bin
| ├─ scph5501.bin
| ├─ scph5502.bin
├─ gbc/
│ ├─ roms/
│ ├─ rom_1.gbc
│ ├─ rom_2.gbc
├─ gba/
│ ├─ roms/
│ ├─ rom_1.gba
│ ├─ rom_2.gba
| ├─ bios/
| ├─ gba_bios.bin
├─ ps/
│ ├─ roms/
│ ├─ my_multifile_game/
│ │ ├─ my_game_cd1.iso
│ │ ├─ my_game_cd2.iso
│ │
│ ├─ rom_1.iso
| ├─ bios/
| ├─ scph1001.bin
| ├─ scph5501.bin
| ├─ scph5502.bin
> [!TIP]
> For folder naming conventions, review the [Platform Support][platform-support] section. To override default system names in the folder structure (if your directories are named differently), see the [Configuration File][configuration-file] section.
## Configuration File
RomM's "understanding" of your library can be configured with a `config.yaml` file or through the `config` tab in the `Control Panel` under the `Settings` section. Refer to the [example config.yml][configuration-file-example] file for guidance on how to configure it and the [example docker-compose.yml][docker-compose-example] file on how to mount it into the container.
## Scheduler
The scheduler allows you to schedule async tasks that run in the Redis container at regular intervals. Jobs can be run at a specific time in the future, after a time delta, or at recurring internals using cron notation. The [wiki page on the scheduler][wiki-scheduled-tasks] has more information on which tasks are available and how to enable them.
# Naming Convention
## Platform Support
If you adhere to the [RomM folder structure][folder-structure], RomM supports all platforms listed on the [Supported Platforms][wiki-supported-platforms] page. **The folder is case-sensitive and must be used exactly as it appears on the list.** When scanning your library, RomM will use the folder name to determine the platform and fetch the appropriate game information, metadata, and cover art.
Additionally, some of these platforms have custom icons available ([learn more about platform icons in our wiki][wiki-platforms-icons]).
## Tag Support
Games can be tagged with region, revision, or other tags by using parentheses in the file name. Additionally, you can set the region and language by adding a prefix: (USA), [reg-J], (French), [De].
- Revision tags must be prefixed with **"rev "** or **"rev-"** (e.g. **(rev v1)** or **(rev-1)**)
- Other tags will also be imported, for example: **my_game [1.0001]\(HACK\)[!].gba**
Tags can be used to search for games in the search bar. For example, searching for **(USA)** will return all games with the USA tag.
# Community
Here are a few projects maintained by members of our community. Please note that the RomM team does not regularly review their source code.
- [romm-comm][romm-comm-discord-bot]: Discord Bot by @idio-sync
- CasaOS app via the [BigBear App Store][big-bear-casaos]
- [Helm Chart to deploy on Kubernetes][kubernetes-helm-chart] by @psych0d0g
Join us on Discord, where you can ask questions, submit ideas, get help, showcase your collection, and discuss RomM with other users.
## Support
Consider supporting the development of this project on Open Collective.
## Our Friends
Here are a few projects that we think you might like:
- [EmulatorJS](https://emulatorjs.org/): An embeddable, browser-based emulator
- [RetroDECK](https://retrodeck.net/): Retro gaming on SteamOS and Linux
- [ES-DE Frontend](https://es-de.org/): Emulator frontend for Linux, macOS and Windows
- [Gaseous](https://github.com/gaseous-project/gaseous-server): Another ROM manager with web-based emulator
- [Retrom](https://github.com/JMBeresford/retrom): A centralized game library/collection management service
- [Steam ROM Manager](https://steamgriddb.github.io/steam-rom-manager/): An app for managing ROMs in Steam
[folder-structure]: #folder-structure
[platform-support]: #platform-support
[tag-support]: #tag-support
[configuration-file]: #configuration-file
[docker-compose-example]: /romm/examples/docker-compose.example.yml
[configuration-file-example]: /romm/examples/config.example.yml
[wiki]: https://github.com/rommapp/romm/wiki
[wiki-supported-platforms]: https://github.com/rommapp/romm/wiki/Supported-Platforms
[wiki-authentication]: https://github.com/rommapp/romm/wiki/Authentication
[wiki-platforms-icons]: https://github.com/rommapp/romm/wiki/Custom-Platform-Icons
[wiki-troubleshooting]: https://github.com/rommapp/romm/wiki/Troubleshooting
[wiki-emulatorjs]: https://github.com/rommapp/romm/wiki/EmulatorJS-Player
[wiki-scheduled-tasks]: https://github.com/rommapp/romm/wiki/Scheduled-Tasks
[wiki-quick-start-guide]: https://github.com/rommapp/romm/wiki/Quick-Start-Guide
[license-badge-img]: https://img.shields.io/github/license/rommapp/romm?style=for-the-badge&color=a32d2a
[license-badge]: /romm/LICENSE
[release-badge-img]: https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/rommapp/romm?style=for-the-badge
[release-badge]: https://github.com/rommapp/romm/releases
[discord-badge-img]: https://img.shields.io/badge/discord-7289da?style=for-the-badge
[discord-badge]: https://discord.gg/P5HtHnhUDH
[unraid-badge-img]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Unraid-f57842?style=for-the-badge&labelColor=ee512b
[unraid-badge]: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/149738-support-eurotimmy-romm-rom-manager-by-zurdi15/
[wiki-badge-img]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Wiki-736e9b?style=for-the-badge
[docker-pulls-badge-img]: https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/rommapp/romm?style=for-the-badge&label=pulls
[docker-pulls-badge]: https://hub.docker.com/r/rommapp/romm
[discord-invite-img]: https://invidget.switchblade.xyz/P5HtHnhUDH
[discord-invite]: https://discord.gg/P5HtHnhUDH
[oc-donate-img]: https://opencollective.com/romm/donate/button.png?color=blue
[oc-donate]: https://opencollective.com/romm
[igdb-api]: https://api-docs.igdb.com/#account-creation
[mobygames-api]: https://www.mobygames.com/info/api/
[big-bear-casaos]: https://github.com/bigbeartechworld/big-bear-casaos
[kubernetes-helm-chart]: https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/crystalnet/romm
[romm-comm-discord-bot]: https://github.com/idio-sync/romm-comm